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Around 60% of 618 species of vertebrates in Poland inhabit forests. Civilisation caused the immemorial balance and rules governing forest ecosystems to be weakened. It influences the animals therefore currently their number, ways of nurturing and protection from animal damage is regulated by law both Polish and European.

Game constitutes 20% of mammal species and 12% of birds in Poland and is a national treasure and owned by State Treasury. Hunters of Polish Hunting Association and foresters manage game in accordance with rules of ecology and well-balanced forest management as well as agriculture and fishing.

Hunting management of Zielona Góra Forest District is carried out in eight hunting districts. It is aimed at preserving an optimal level of game in particular age, genre structure and sustaining bearable loss to tree stands.

Main tasks of the forest district regarding hunting management include co-operation with hunting associations on game stocktaking and improving conditions of its habitat.

In terms of improving conditions of animal habitat hunting districts keep hunting areas in favourable conditions. These are sowed with grain, corn and filled with Jerusalem artichokes. In order to limit damage to farming, systematic feeding of game on wild boar rooting is held.

Forest fauna of the forest district is incredibly reach. Big game is represented mainly by wild boars and roe deer but also deer and fallow deer. The area is inhabited by small game - mainly foxes, hares and martens. Many beavers have also been noticed, especially by the River Odra and channels flowing into Śląska Odra River.

On the area one can come across badgers, raccoon dogs. "Travelling" moose has been spotted on the north-western areas of the forest district.

Zielona Góra Forest District is known for its peculiar hunting management due to close proximity to urban areas and the city of Zielona Góra. Presence of wild animals can pose danger to citizens and cause breach of public order. In such situations the act on commune government rules should be applied. To prevent dangerous instances from happening an animal ought to be captured and transported into a secure place away from urban areas. In particular cases, when an animal is aggressive and poses direct threat to people, it may be anesthetized or even shot. The decision is made by head of a county.